Thursday 18 July 2019

Tips for decorating a small kitchen

A small kitchen, if planned and used efficiently, can be as functional and appealing just like any other spacious kitchens. The common mistake made by people while designing or making changes to their small kitchen is by using the same design methods used for a normal-sized kitchen. Use the following tips to decorate and transform your small kitchen to make it more functional and stylish:
Displaying artwork on the walls is an effortless way to personalize your kitchen. Choose an over-sized single artwork as a statement piece or make a collection of smaller ones to create a large focal point and thus, create an illusion of larger kitchen space.

Invest in great lighting to make your kitchen feel spacious as it a convenient and smart way to optimally use space.

Keep the counters clutter-free so you are left with more space to work. Using basic and compact sized appliances like microwaves, dishwashers, fridge, etc. are ideal for small kitchens as it does not cramp up the space and also helps in visually expanding the area as it acts as a mirror.

Add some colours to your kitchen or use brick accent wall along with wooden kitchen cabinets to give a sleek look to your kitchens.

Using foldable or multipurpose furniture is a great way to optimally use space. For example, a  chest of drawers that could be used a table or even a chair that can serve the purpose of a ladder is a perfect choice.

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