Ladder mankav Greens |
• Neighbourhood
Before buying a new home, you should consider the neighborhood of the property. There's no point in falling in love with a home in an area you can't stand. Neighborhood have a considerable role in our lives and lifestyles. If you are about to make a colossal investment, invest it in a right area.
• Proximity
Proximity to social amenities like schools, hospitals, workplace etc. is a very important factor to consider while buying luxury 3 BHK flats in Calicut.
• Reputation of the builder
Check the builder’s reputation before making a huge investment in luxury flats in Calicut. It is crucial that you choose a good builder who can deliver on your home-ownership dream
• Legal status of the project
You will have to check the legal status of the project in terms of the approvals received from the concerned authorities. Project commencement letter, project completion certificate are examples of such official documents.
• Floor
High or low, each floor has its own advantages and disadvantages so choose the right floor for you. Consider these factors privacy, security, light and ventilation, view etc before confirming the decision.
• Project phase
Pre-launch, launch, completed & community are the different stages of entry for an apartment project. Assure that the price you’re paying for the luxury flat is based on the current stage of the project.
• Hidden & additional charges
Ensure that all the clauses of the documents are read and crosschecked.
Ladder Kerala is an outstanding name in the commercial and residential real estate of Calicut, Kerala. Ladder Mankav Greens is the latest project of Ladder Kerala, a trusted builder in Calicut. Ladder Mankav Greens is available at 2, 3 & 4 BHK variants in the heart of Calicut city. Buy luxurious flats and apartments in Calicut, avail home loan at 4.99 % for this perfect home loaded with world class amenities & facilities.
CALL +91 9400470022 for more information about the project.