Money saving is good for our future life. Saving money is
necessary to overcome the unexpected expanse. If you think that you need to budget
and saving money is necessary to overcome the expenses. Below tips help to save
1. Unplug the electrical appliances, when not in use
Unplug the electrical appliances when not in use. This is
essential for save electricity and the life of household appliances. It can
help save electric city bill and repairing or replacing cost of household appliances.
Household appliances like DVD players, television, table lamps, coffee maker,
computer, etc. Are switched off, when not in use. They still draw a small
amount of power and over voltage may create fault in electrical appliances
2. Customize your dish TV plan
Now These days, with the help of internet. We can now watch
matches, events, etc. So To reduce your cable/dish TV bills, by customize your
number of channel channels that you or your family will watch regularly. And Go
for a basic plan. Try to use particular channel by using online. It will reduce
the monthly dish TV bills
3 Pay your bills online
You can pay every bill like internet, electricity, phone
bills, etc. by online. It will save the commuting time as well as also earn
some reward points on your mobile wallets or credit cards depending on the
service use. It can gave additional money benefits.
4 Switch to CFLs/LEDs
Remove currently using 100-watt bulbs in your home and
switch to Compact Florescent Lamps (CFLs) or Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs).
These bulbs is cheaper, durable and electricity saver. This can reduce use of
large amount of current.
5 Save water whenever
Now a days there are so many methods. To save water it can reduce
not only water bill also help to save energy. Using rain water harvesting to
the rescue the usage of Underground water. Below are some method to save water
in home
Close the water tap
after use
Fix the shower head for low-flow for consume less water.
When it is not required, don’t complete toilet flush.
6, Plant more trees or have a terrace garden
Plant tree or plants will help to increase the beauty of the
home and keep cool inside the home. It will help the reduce usage of fan or
A/c. Garden will gave additional beauty so no need to paint wall frequently.
7, Use online to purchase
Now a days so many online portals are available for selling
house hold items, fish, vegetable and other items. They are sell these items
price less than a local distributer. And also gave frequently offer to customer.
It will help to reduce purchase bill.
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Really nice information and worth reading. Here is Money Saving Tips 2020